Friday 31 August 2018


what I found hard was putting my movie in my blog and putting it in a HTML.I had fun putting the music on and my voice on. I don't like my voice being on record and people listening to my voice on the moive.

Monday 27 August 2018

Collaborating Online

We were learning how to use Adobe Spark for our videos.
I really enjoyed doing the sisomo and Adobe Spark.
I found it hard to to find a quite stop to voice record great.
It was easy to upload my slides to sisomo.
Next time I need to be faster than before and stick with the team.

Sisomo is about getting sight, sound and motion into a digital learning object (DLO). 
Criteria for assessment:
πŸ‘ = beginner          πŸ‘πŸ‘ = stepping up         πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ = smart learner
My buddy and I used “comments” to collaborate
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My buddy and I made decisions together using “comments”
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My buddy and I wrote 3 important Cybersmart messages
My buddy and I created a character in Google Drawings
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My buddy and I designed our slides so the messages were easy to read
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My buddy and I used design elements in our slides
I was able to upload my slides into Spark Adobe to make a video
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My DLO (digital learning object) has “SISOMO”
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